
Young People's Division


Go, Grow and Glow Together


The purpose of the organization shall be to:

  1. Provide meaningful resources, training and guidance in all areas of church life which encourage full participation in the mission programs and activities of the entire church and this organization;
  2. Provide specific training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations and Education programs designed to increase knowledge of the African Methodist Episcopal Church History and the Scriptures; Scriptures;
  3. Facilitate and support opportunities for leadership experiences in the church and society;
  4. Enable growth in stewardship in the church;
  5. Advocate for the integrity of childhood and the dignity of all children and youth in our religious, civic and political structures;
  6. Create linkages, establish work synergies and devise schedules to effectively implement and administer meaningful programs and activities for all levels and units of the organization; and
  7. Foster a community, in which children, youth and young adults know each other by name, minister to each other and partner in servicing and witnessing for Jesus Christ.


Membership shall consist of the following: Section 1. Regular. Any young person of the church between two (2) to twenty-six (26) years of age, who is active and in good and regular standing in their Local organization. Section 2. Associate. Any young men or women who become Itinerant Deacons shall be associate members. Associate members shall be without voting privileges and ineligible to hold office. Section 3. Ex-officio. Ex-officio members shall be the Bishops, Episcopal Supervisors, Secretary of the Department of Missions, President of the Connectional Women’s Missionary Society, and the Connectional, Episcopal and Conference Directors.


The organization shall consist of: Section

  1. Sunbeams. The Sunbeams shall consist of children ages 2 to 6 years of age, preschool to primary. Section
  2. Allen Stars. The Allen Stars shall consist of Children ages 7 to 12.
  3. Youth. The Youth shall consist of females and males of the ages of 13 through 17 years of age.
  4. Young Adults. Young Adults shall consist of females and males of the ages of 18 years to 26 years. Section 5. Promotional Exercises. Any component may provide for promotional exercises for its members.

YPD Pledge:

I pledge my willing and untiring service to all efforts of the Young People?s and Children?s Division to aid the needy and suffering people, regardless of race, color or creed. I further pledge to take the Bible as my guide, to aid my church, and to attend meetings regularly. In all these tasks I seek the Savior?s guidance.

YPD Benediction

YPD (repeat with WMS)

I will be brave and strong and true!

I will be brave and strong and true!

I will be brave!

I will be strong!

I will be true!

I will be brave and strong and true!


Section 1. Elected Officers. The elected officers of the Connectional shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Communications Secretary, Parliamentarian, Historiographer-Statistician, Worship Director, Editor of YPD Newsletter, and Associate Editor.

Section 2. Nominations for Elected Office. All nominations for elected offices shall be conducted as provided in Article XI, Section 8 of these Bylaws. No person shall be listed on the slate of nominees who fails to meet the qualifications as provided by Section 5 herein.

Section 3. Election of Officers; Ballots. Officers shall be elected at the Quadrennial Convention by a majority of votes cast. No person shall be permitted to hold more than one elected or appointed office beyond the Local Young People’s and Children’s Division. No person shall be permitted to hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive quadrennials (8 years). All elections shall be by electronic or paper ballot except when there is only one candidate for an office. When there in only one candidate for an office, the vote for that office may be by a show of hands or voice vote.

Section 4.Term of Office. The officers shall be elected to serve for a term of four years or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall begin immediately following the adjournment of the Quadrennial Convention at which they are elected.

Section 5. Qualifications to Run for Office. Any person seeking an elected office shall: a. Be active, and in good and regular standing, in his or her Local organization; b. Have registered and participated in a Connectional training institute or retreat, or served as a delegate to a Quadrennial Convention prior to the time in which he or she runs; c. Be active on and support the Episcopal, Conference, and Area, if applicable; d. Be at least 13 years of age, but not older than 22 years of age; and e. Present credentials, as required by the Nominating Committee, bearing the signature of the Episcopal Director and Episcopal Supervisor. Section 6. Appointed Officers. Appointed officers shall be chairpersons of standing committees of the organization. Such officers shall be appointed by the Connectional President in consultation and agreement with the Connectional Director and Episcopal Districts in which the officers hold membership. Anyone appointed chairperson of a standing committee shall be at least 13 years of age and active on all levels of the organization. Section 7. Outgoing Officers. Outgoing officers shall transfer all records, books, papers and property belonging to the organization to incoming officers within one (1) month of the Quadrennial Convention. Under the direction of the Director, outgoing officers shall communicate with incoming officers within six (6) weeks of the transfer of the organization’s records, books, papers and property. A transition meeting shall be held within six (6) months of the Quadrennial Convention to provide an opportunity for the Director. Director and elected officers to communicate their shared vision.

Section 8. Disqualification/Removal from Office. Any officer, elected or appointed, not performing his or her duties may be subject to removal from office. Any elected officer not performing his or her duties shall be notified in writing by the Connectional Director, with a copy to the Connectional President and the President of the Women’s Missionary Society. If such failure to perform continues for a period of ninety (90) days after notification, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Board for action. The Executive Board may remove the elected officer from office for failure to execute her duties and responsibilities as provided in Article X herein. Any appointed officer not performing his or her duties may be removed by the Connectional President, in consultation and agreement with the Connectional Director, upon the written notification from the Connectional President and Director.

DUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICERS The elected officers of the organization shall perform the duties prescribed herein.

  1. President. The President shall: a. Preside over Executive Board Meetings and the Quadrennial Convention; b. Prepare the agenda, in consultation and agreement with the Connectional Director, for the Executive Board Meetings, Quadrennial Conventions and other official meetings of the organization; c. Submit reports to the Quadrennial Convention; d. Represent the organization at functions and meetings of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; e. Serve as an ex-officio member of Women’s Missionary Society; f. With the Connectional Director, appoint task forces or committees for necessary duties to carry on the work of the organization which are not otherwise assigned in these bylaws; g. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees as may be necessary for the conduct and development of the organization; and h. Be at least 18 years of age. One needs to be at least 18 years of age to be a voting member of the General Board.
  2. First Vice President. The First Vice President shall: a. Serve in the absence of the President, assuming the responsibilities of the same; b. Support the President by accepting, when possible, duties and responsibilities assigned by the same; and c. Serve as Chairperson of the Program and Planning Committee.
  3. Second Vice President. The Second Vice President shall: a. Serve in the absence of the President and First Vice President; b. Coordinate, with the Program and Planning Committee, the yearly activities for Self-Denial Week; and c. Serve as Coordinator of the Standing Committees.
  4. Third Vice President. The Third Vice President shall: a. Serve in the absence of the President, First Vice President and Second Vice President. b. Serve as the chairperson of the International Awareness Committee; c. Represent Districts 14-20 when a representative is unable to attend Connectional YPD functions; d. Work with the Episcopal District YPD Presidents and Directors from Districts 14-20 to coordinate Connectional YPD projects and activities; and e. Be a member in good and regular standing of the organization in Districts 14-20.
  5. Recording Secretary. The Recording Secretary shall: a. Record and keep accurate minutes of all Executive Board Meetings, Quadrennial Conventions and other official meetings of the organization; b. Be responsible for all official correspondence for the Executive Board Meetings and Quadrennial Conventions; and c. Under the direction of the Connectional President and Connectional Director, perform all other duties common to the office.
  6. Assistant Recording Secretary. The Assistant Recording Secretary shall: a. Assist the Recording Secretary in keeping all records; and b. In the absence of the Recording Secretary shall perform such duties.
  7. Financial Secretary. The Finance Secretary shall: a. Keep an accurate record of all monies received and disbursed by the organization; b. Serve as Chairperson of the Budget and Financial Estimate Committee and Finance Chair at official meetings of the organization; c. With the Connectional Director, transfer monies received to the connectional treasury and submit vouchers for disbursement to the same.
  8. Communications Secretary. The Communications Secretary shall: a. Be responsible for the youth section of The Women’s Missionary Magazine and all other A.M.E. Church publications such as The Christian Recorder and Journal of Religious Education; b. Stimulate interest for subscriptions to periodicals of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; c. Correspond with the members of the Connectional Executive Board in the interim of board meetings.
  9. Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall: a. Ensure that the Constitution and Bylaws of the Women’s Missionary Society and the Bylaws of the Young People’s and Children’s Division, the current Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, are followed at all meetings; b. Serve as Vice Chairperson of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee; c. Interpret any rules during the course of meetings.
  10. Historiographer-Statistician. The Historiographer-Statistician shall: a. Have responsibility for gathering data pertaining to the history of the organization; b. Conduct a census each Quadrennial; c. Keep an accurate enrollment of the members of the organization; d. Through the Director, provide such historical data and membership enrollment to the Historiographer-Statistician of the Connectional Women’s Missionary Society.
  11. Worship Director. The Worship Director shall: a. Coordinate the planning of worship services for the Executive Board Meetings and Quadrennial Conventions with the members of the Program Planning Committee; b. Serve as a member of the Program Planning Committee; and c. Promote special times and events for meditations and devotions/worship experiences at meetings.
  12. Editor of YPD Newsletter. The Editor of the YPD Newsletter shall: a. Receive and edit the news for the organization’s newsletter under the supervision of the Connectional Director; and b. Communicate with the Episcopal District Presidents and Directors.
  13. Associate Editor. The Associate Editor of the Newsletter shall: a. Work in cooperation with the Editor in receiving and editing news and articles from Districts 14-20 for the organization’s newsletter, under the supervision of the Connectional Director; b. Communicate with the Episcopal District Presidents and Directors from Districts 14-20.


The week of May 7-14, known as the Founder’s Week of the organization, shall be observed as Self-Denial Week and carried out in local churches through the organization. Throughout the week, the members of the Local organization may sponsor essay contests, worship programs, community service projects and other similar activities. Section 1. Every Self-Denial Week shall be featured with one or more service projects and a Self-Denial Offering. Section 2. The Self-Denial Offering shall be used annually for a scholarship and other awards.


The organization shall sponsor an Annual Young People’s and Children’s Day. The program shall be educational, with the purpose of stimulating the work and increasing the membership of the organization.


  1. The colors of the Young People’s and Children’s Division shall be:
  2. Forest Green and White
  3. Black and White II. The Uniforms of the Young People’s and Children’s Division shall be:
  4. Forest Green and White
  5. Young Ladies a. Forest Green Skirt b. Forest Green/White Blazer c. White Skirt d. Y.P.D. Badge/Pin
  6. Young Men a. Forest Green Trousers b. Forest Green/White Coat c. White shirt d. Forest Green Tie e. Y.P.D. Badge/Pin B. Black and White
  7. Young Ladies a. Black Skirt b. White Blouse/Blazer c. Black “V” Shaped Collar d. Black Cap with 3 Leopard and/or leopard skin design material Triangular Shaped Patches Attached e. Y.P.D. Badge/Pin

2. Young Men a. Black Pants b. Black/White coat c. White shirt with “V” shaped Leopard and/or leopard skin design material Triangular Patches Attached d. Black Tie e. Y.P.D. Badge/Pin III. Uniform and Color Symbolism Forest Green—is symbolic of growth and Christian vitality. White—is symbolic of purity of life and conversation; light that shineth more and more, and faith Black—is symbolic of mourning for those who persist in their rebellion against God and who commit acts displeasing in His sight. Collar’s “V” Shape—symbolic of victory over sin and confusion. Leopard and/or leopard skin design material Patch—symbolic of grace, quickness, quickness, determination and endurance to fight sin and to defend righteousness (Triangular in shape, symbolic of the Trinity and strength). Badge—symbolic of the tie which binds together the determination to endure till the end. IV. Uniform Combinations The outfits are only worn as uniforms in the combinations as listed in II. They are not be mixed up. “Suggest that the home districts wear one leopard patch, triangular in shape representing the Holy Trinity, symbolic of the beginning of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Women’s Missionary Society in America.”The colors shall be forest green and white or black and white. Green is symbolic of growth and Christian vitality, white represents purity, light and faith and black is symbolic of the strength of our African heritage.

Black Heritage Weekend 2020