
Lay Organization


The objectives and purpose of the Lay Organization are outlined in its Constitution. The main objectives are stated in brief as follows:

  1. To create a love and appreciation of the History and Principles of African Methodism.
  2. Keep the memory of Richard Allen alive.
  3. Respect Constituted Authority.
  4. Stimulate and Educate the Laity in the Total Program of the Church.
  5. Study the Discipline and learn the laws of the Church.
  6. Encourage Financial Support of the Church's Program.
  7. Teach and Practice Stewardship and work with the Youth to teach them Methodism.
  8. These objectives can best be met when one works to understand the program of the church and relate the church to the World around us. Become involved in Social Action such that the church is then our Community - our Job - Our School, and everywhere that many assembles he carries the church with him.


The purpose. of this organization shall be to organize and train the laity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church so that lay persons may maximally utilize their God given abilities and skills to improve and extend the kingdom to create happiness, peace, and harmony among its members.


Objectives.– To accomplish this purpose, the following objectives are adopted;

  1. To instill in the membership of the church a love for, and an appreciation of the history, traditions, principles and development of African Methodism by encouraging, motivating, and educating all lay persons,
  2. To keep forever alive the sacred memory of Richard Allen, the illustrious founder of the AMEC,
  3. To advocate respect and loyalty at all times to constituted authority and leadership.
  4. To encourage the laity to support the total program of the church in the local congregation, in the community, and throughout the Connection,
  5. To foster a systematic and regular study of The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and parliamentary procedure, to the end that greater knowledge and information may be disseminated among the laity, and with the further purpose of encouraging lay members to participate more largely in the general functioning and supervision supervision of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,
  6. To foster, influence, and support all constructive and progressive legislation for the church that promotes the teachings of Jesus Christ,
  7. To encourage development, recognition, and utilization of the most appropriate operational practices and modern technology in conducting the activities of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,
  8. To promote the spread of personal evangelism through activities designed to prepare lay members for appropriately conveying God’s Word,
  9. To provide training in Christian stewardship, which causes lay members to recognize that the connotation of stewardship addresses more than giving money,
  10. To increase the circulation of church periodicals,
  11. To provide for the orderly and systematic training of lay persons, especially officers, in order that they might more effectively perform their service responsibilities.
  12. To promote activities that will result in harmonious fellowship for lay persons throughout the Connection.
  13. To help in the support of the AME educational institutions.
  14. To give financial assistance to the Connectional Lay Economic Development Corporation (CLEDC) in support of Connectional programs.


Membership in this organization is open to all Lay (un-ordained) members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, in good and regular standing, in their Local, District of the (50%) of the local lay organization meetings and participates at the Conference Lay, Districts of the Annual Conference Lay, and Episcopal District Lay Organization levels.Annual Conference, Conference and Episcopal District Lay Organizations. Good and regular standing is defined as every member being governed by the Constitution of the Lay Organization, pays required dues as set by his/her local lay organization, attends fifty percent


President – Duties and Responsibilities. The President of the Connectional Lay Organization shall:

  1. Lead with vision and integrity. This includes serving as a spokesperson for laity in the church, a representative for lay ministry in ecumenical and interfaith gatherings or an advocate in public policy arenas,
  2. Preside over its Biennial Sessions during regular, special, or emergency meetings, the Executive Board, and all other official meetings of this organization,
  3. Be the active head of said organization, and shall be responsible for seeing that the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization, as well as the orders and policies of the Executive Board are fully carried out,
  4. Be responsible for expanding and developing lay work throughout the Connection through channels of the Episcopal District Lay Organizations,
  5. Be responsible for such other duties as may be usual and customary to the position, and which may be assigned from time to time by the Executive Board, and the directives approved by the Biennial Session,
  6. Appoint chairpersons of all Standing, Convention, and Ad Hoc Committees,
  7. Serve as a member of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church by virtue of his/her office and
  8. The Connectional President or his or her designee shall preside over all the election of officers on the Episcopal District level.

1st Vice – Duties and Responsibilities The First Vice President shall:

  1. Be responsible for Membership Recruitment, Retention/and Coordinate such duties as assigned by the President and
  2. Assume the complete duties of the President during an absence or when it has been determined by the Executive Board that the President can no longer perform the duties.

2nd Vice – Duties and Responsibilities. The Second Vice President shall:

  1. Be responsible for Strategic Planning and Coordinate such duties as assigned by the President and the Executive Board and
  2. Serve in the absence of the President and First Vice President, preside at the meetings and assume all duties of the President.

3rd Vice – Duties and Responsibilities. The Third Vice President shall: Duties and Responsibilities. The Third Vice President shall: Coordinate such duties as Personal Evangelism and coordinating those efforts with the appropriate departments, within the church, and in the absence of the President, First Vice President and Second Vice President preside at the meetings and assume all the duties of the office of President.

Secretary – Duties and Responsibilities. The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Serve as Secretary of the Biennial Session and the Connectional Executive Board,
  2. Be responsible for recording attendance, accurate minutes of all business transacted during meetings, including the Biennial secretary for reading and distributing minutes of any previous meetings and insuring widespread dissemination of pertinent information. 3. In the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, the Recording Secretary shall preside until a chairperson pro tempore is elected.
  3. Prepare, for the presiding officer, a statement of unfinished business to come before the meeting and a report of the Executive Board meetings to be presented at the Biennial Session.
  4. Hold the bond of the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary.

Duties and Responsibilities. The Assistant Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Assist the Recording Secretary in all duties as outlined above.
  2. In the absence of the Secretary, shall perform the duties of the Secretary. G. Duties and Responsibilities.

The Corresponding Secretary shall:

  1. Insure lay ministry focus though effective communication. This includes sharing congratulations, well wishes, condolences and other news about laity.
  2. Report pertinent information to the Executive Board, and reply to correspondence as directed by the President and/or the Executive Board.
  3. Maintain a network of internal communications between the Connectional Lay Organization and its subordinate bodies.
  4. Compose communication as needed and/or directed by the President. Maintain liaison with the Director of Public Relations to insure publication of pertinent information.

Treasurer - Duties and Responsibilities. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee which is responsible for preparation of the organization’s budget for the fiscal year.
  2. Receive and disburse all funds. Disbursements shall be made, in accordance with the line item budget approved by the Biennial. Expenditures not reflected/listed in the budget must be approved by the President and the Executive Board with appropriate justification.
  3. Keep accurate records and give an itemized report at each Board meeting and the Biennial Session.
  4. Be bonded and said bond shall be held by the Recording Secretary.
  5. Have the accounts audited, annually, by an external Audit/Accounting Firm approved the Executive Board.

Historian/Statistician – Provide for the gathering and preserving of historical records, documents and photographs of the local society. Maintain up-to-date records, ensure a copy of the society’s history is written and stored in a safe place to be presented once a year to the Conference Historiographer prior to the Annual Conference and presented to the local church prior to be submitted to the Conference.

Duties and Responsibilities. The Financial Secretary shall:

  1. Maintain an independent set of records of all financial transactions and assist with work in concert with the Treasurer.
  2. Serve as member of the Budget and Finance Committee.
  3. Receive and record all funds. All funds shall be turned over to the treasurer within a period not to exceed ten (10) days.
  4. Write vouchers countersigned by the President that authorize expenditures, pursuant to the budget passed by the Biennial, which are to be paid by the Treasurer.
  5. Be bonded and said bond shall held by the Recording Secretary

Duties and Responsibilities. The Chaplain shall:

  1. Make adequate preparation for each Bible Study and Devotional Service, utilizing creative styles that motivates and draws participants into the worship experience.
  2. Provide spiritual leadership to this organization. 3. Maintain effective communication with the Chaplains on the Episcopal Districts.

Duties and Responsibilities. The Historiographer shall: 1. Be responsible for gathering, assembling, and maintaining a written and pictorial record of the activities and achievements of this organization; 2. Act as custodian for all photographs, citations, awards, trophies, and other mementos of the Connectional Lay Organization; 3. Compile a written Biennial history of this organization and submit it as a report to each Biennial Session, place a copy in the archives to be kept in the headquarters of the AME Church. 4. Archives, find place to keep historical records.

Historiographer -Duties and Responsibilities The Historiographer shall:

  1. Be responsible for gathering, assembling, and maintaining a written and pictorial record of the activities and achievements of this organization;
  2. Act as custodian for all photographs, citations, awards, trophies, and other mementos of the Connectional Lay Organization;
  3. Compile a written Biennial history of this organization and submit it as a report to each Biennial Session, place a copy in the archives to be kept in the headquarters of the AME Church.
  4. Archives, find place to keep historical records.

Parliamentarian - Duties and Responsibilities. The Parliamentarian shall:

  1. Advise the President or presiding officer concerning questions of parliamentary procedure.
  2. Be seated next to the President at all meetings.
  3. Follow the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization, The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, latest edition, at all meetings.
  4. Serve as consultant to the Constitution and By-Laws, Rules, and other committees as needed.

The Director of Lay Activities shall:

  1. Maintain a close working relationship with the President and the Young Adult Representative in the planning, developing and implementing of the complete programmatic thrust of this organization.
  2. Plan, design, and direct all educational programs and other activities of this organization at the Biennial Session, including but not limited to Training Institute, Banquets, Luncheons, Scholarships, Awards and Speakers in consultation with the President and approval of the Executive Board..
  3. Maintain a working relationship with Episcopal District Lay Directors.
  4. Be responsible for planning and implementing a training program and course of study in accordance with the mission, purposes and objectives of the Lay Organization. The proposed training program and course of study, inclusive of proposed theme and outline for the study guide, shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval at the Executive Board Meeting immediately preceding the next Biennial Session.
  5. The proposed theme and program will be presented at the Fall Executive Board preceding.


May God bless us with the true spirit of Christianity, That we may live together, not as man over man, but as Lay persons working with God. Amen


Laymen now have thus assembled,

In Thy blessed name O God.

Guide us in our true endeavor,

Light the pathway that we trod;

Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause

Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause.

We are banded one in union,

To fulfill Thy just command.

May we be Thy true disciples,

Holding to Thy mighty hand;

Give us blessings from the fountain of Thy love

Give us blessings from the fountain of Thy love.

As we walk this Christian journey,

Let us keep our armour bright.

Let our works be pure and holy

That we stand within Thy sight;

Laymen soldiers, strong in unity and love

Laymen soldiers, strong in unity and love.

May we stand before Thine altar,

Pledging Lord to work for Thee.

In the vineyard, in the pastures

Let us Lord Thy pilgrims be;

Let us lift the cross forever to the skies,

Let us lift the cross forever to the skies.

Tune: "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah"

Frances A. Walston