
DORCAS Hudson Women's Missionary Society


We are called to strengthen our Faith,

And sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ

By service and witness to the world.


As women called to discipleship to grow in knowledge and experience and knowledge of God through Jesus Christ, committed to support the mission of the church , and, empowerment by the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to help one another engage in ministry and action, and grow and respond in faith to God’s redemptive plan for the church, the society and the world.

2012 Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 296, article 1(2).


  • Coordinate and unify the work of the our mission structure.
  • Build an integrated community of caring women that can work collaboratively, ecumenically, and globally on peace, justice and human rights issues.
  • Provide training and education that develops and inspires responsibility and visionary that is motivated to witness for and advocate for peace, justice and human rights for women, children, elderly and families.
  • Develop and maintain a comprehensive financial support system and administer financial resources to fulfill the purpose of the WMS.

2012 Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 296-297, article 2(a-g)


New theme – Transforming Lives, Building Communities, Impacting the World.

Old Theme – Living Well, Aging Well, Serving Well.

Old Theme – Soaring on a Legacy of Service, Our Global Imperative.

WMS COLORS – White and sometimes white with a touch of Royal Blue.

YPD COLORS – Green and white and also Black and White.

It is advised that each member have at least two outfits. White dresses and suits for WMS. Green or Black Skirt or White Blouse for YPD.


  • Annual Missionary Day
  • Funerals of Missionaries, Sisters and Leaders such as Bishops, Pastors, and others as designated leaders.
  • All Missionary Worship Services including Prayer Breakfasts
  • All Dedication and Re-dedication Services.
  • All Missionary Worship and Communion Services.
  • Night in White Services

All functions on all levels from local church to connection all women’s missionary society. On all occasions when you are attending missionary functions include a change of White in your packing. At the Annual Conference Branch Convention two White ensembles needed. The YPD are usually in uniform at their special functions.


The Young People’s Division of the Women’s Missionary Society is structured to train and lead young people from the cradle to 26 years of age in service and missions. The local Church WMS Society, Conference Branch, Episcopal District and Connectional provide the Director who is in charge and directs the program for the YPD. The structure of officers elected is similar to the structure of the Women’s Missionary Society.


  • President – Presides over all meetings, prepares reports as necessary, assures that the society is fulfilling all if its responsibilities, represent the local society at all Area and Conference Meetings, assure that the Constitutional Bylaws are observed and actions are carried effectively, Appoint all committees, Sign all orders and checks drawn on the treasury for the disbursement of funds, Chair the Commission on Administration when one exists.
  • 1st Vice – Works cooperatively with the President, Performs presidents duties in her absence, Chair all programs sponsored by the society, Performs such duties as requested by the President, Chair the Commission on Christian Social Action to include bearing the responsibility of assuring that the Mission Projects are completed in collaboration with the President, and complete all paperwork required to be submitted to the Area and Conference 1st Vice.
  • 2nd Vice – Chair the Commission on Mission Education and Interpretation – including the recording of all Big Mark hours with all documentation completed, signed and submitted to the Area and Conference 2nd Vice. Responsible for distribution of all information regarding Scholarships offered by the AME Church to all graduating high school seniors.
  • 3rd Vice – Chair the Commission on Membership and Recruitment -works with the president to develop creative new ways to engage new members and recommend ways for inactive members to re-engage. Nurture the current members and determine the needs of the membership. Assist with maintaining the motivation of current members.
  • Secretary – shall maintain accurate minutes of meetings, provide notification of all meetings to all members, sign with the President on all official documents, maintain an accurate membership roll along with the names of officers, perform such duties as the President may assign from time to time, provide for the gathering and preserving of historical records and document when there is no Historian.
  • Treasurer – shall become informed concerning the financial responsibilities of the local society, disburse funds as instructed and ordered by the President, account for all funds of the local society, develop plans to receive dues or funds from individuals on a regular basis, consult with the President to establish a budget for the local society, complete and provide an itemized financial report at the society's meetings.
  • PME Director – shall present lessons from the Yearbook/Workbook at each meeting of the local society, promote mission education studies and supply materials and educational resources for mission programs and projects. Support the Commission of Mission Education and Interpretation – 2nd Vice.
  • Historian/Statistician – Provide for the gathering and preserving of historical records, documents and photographs of the local society. Maintain up-to-date records, ensure a copy of the society’s history is written and stored in a safe place to be presented once a year to the Conference Historiographer prior to the Annual Conference and presented to the local church prior to be submitted to the Conference.
  • Parliamentarian – Shall be up-to-date with the rules contained in the latest edition Robert’s Rules of Order. Shall given the meetings of the local society in all cases and assure consistency with the Constitution Bylaws and The Doctrine and Discipline of the AME Church. Shall assure that every meeting is conducted in Decency and Order ant that all persons are respected.
  • Worship Director – shall serve the local society by providing appropriate and creative style of worship experiences/devotions and assist in planning worship experiences for the society.
  • YPD Director – shall plan and supervise the work of the young people under the local society, shall provide a report of the young people's work at the regularly scheduled meetings of the local society.

2012 Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 313-321.


(With Praying hands)In the name of the triune God may the Spirit of Christian mission enter every heart, may the Spirit of Christian mission enter every heart. (Raise praying hands and lower with last phrase) This we ask in Jesus name Amen.